Monday, August 3, 2009

And I Keep Getting More Famous

As many of you know, I have started writing for another blog called QueerSighted. This is helping me catapult my fame and good looks to the masses. And even though I have no clue how many people read QueerSighted, it surely has to be more than my little dog and pony show I have going on here. And while I did have good response to my run in with Star Jones, I really need someone bigger to really help me get into the celebrity spotlight. I am taking aim at Perez Hilton.

I wrote an article on QueerSighted the other day about the comeback of our diva Whitney Houston. Several people commented on the article - most of whom I assume I know - but there was one comment that was a little bizarre. It read:

Who is this guy "gay blogger" Craig who thinks he's gonna be the new me? At least he lives in NY and can only blog about like 5 celebrities, and the cast of Gossip far can that really take you? Good luck bb."

The name of the poster who commented was "Perez". Clearly Perez Hilton. I mean, none of my friends would ever pretend to be Perez Hilton to make it look like my article was being read by actual people! So, I thought this was funny and moved on. I then checked out this blog and read the following comment on the previous story about living in a doorman building:

Awe bb, cute how you think you're a celebrity now, that a tiny website has picked up a few blogs. While you may be a little funny, you're gonna have to find more interesting things to write about other than yourself if you want any real attention. Get some real dirt! Pay off some bitches on the sets or something. I guess you just remind me of someone very close to me ;) best of luck."

The name of the poster who commented on this post was "Mario L". I thought this was odd because it was pretty similar to the comment on QueerSighted. So, I clicked on Mario L's name to see if this person had an e-mail address. When I clicked on Mario L it brought me to That made it even more awkward. I mentioned this to my editor at QueerSighted and it turns out Perez Hilton's real name is Mario Lavandeira. Coincidence? I think not.

The obvious conclusion is that Perez Hilton is obviously reading my blog and is threatened by me. I clearly have a much cuter face, a better personality and am much more hilarious. The only thing holding me back is that I do not know many celebrities (erm, no celebrities?). I say bring it on Perez. When my little blog takes over the world, I will look back and thank you, Perez, for being a pioneer for gay male bloggers everywhere. Let the competition begin!


  1. know me and I'm kind of a big deal. some would even say I'm a 'celebrity.'

  2. Perez is a douche. Please don't become like him. Be you. Fabulous and loveable.

  3. He's so jealous of you it's awkward

  4. perez is so 2008. keep doing what you're doing and you'll be famous before you know it.

  5. perez is a fatty. you are not. i like you better.
