Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Fame is a Bitch ...

I have been waiting to start getting the recognition that I deserve and it has finally come - in the form of a negative comment on this very blog! What a treat I received when I was reading a comment on my story "No Sex in the City"! While someone had posted that I definitely needed to lower my standards if I were to ever find a man, that one did not dig deep enough. The next comment, however, did. From what I can discern from the comment, I believe the Anonymous poster was calling me ugly!

Anonymous said... It's rather interesting that you make the broad generalization that most people that are in relationships are unattractive. Judging by your picture, I'd wager that you're in no position whatsoever to make this claim.

How epic is that? I used to think that only my closest friends were reading my little website, however, it appears that people I don't know are reading it and hating on it. You know you are starting to get famous when people start writing hateful things on your website. Now I know how Lohan feels. And you know when you can empathize with Lohan, you are doing something right ... or erm, wrong? Either way, the person who anonymously wrote the comment is either:

1. Star Jones

2. One of Star Jones' minions

3. Someone ugly that is in a relationship. They were all pleased that they were in a relationship and then realized, "yikes, ugly people can be dating too??".

That being said, keep the comments coming kids. The price of fame is a life of hateful, jealous comments. But I am willing to bear that cross ... I am willing.

1 comment:

  1. hey where did you guys go i was just down here reading your blog and went upstairs to go to harry potter with ya but i guess you already left!

    anyway yeah that's all anyone on 4 ever talks about, is 'have you seen the elephant man on 6'. it's epically tragic. it's tragpic.
