I was told when I first moved here that when people start asking me for directions, I have finally made it as a New Yorker. Well, I am proud to say that I have had that happen to me several times now – and while I may not always know how to tell someone how to get to a certain location, at least I look the part.
Well, with that being said, there have been a lot of changes in my life, and if I am really going to make it as the gay male Chelsea Handler, well, then I have to continue writing and posting. So, I am making a commitment, a reasonable one, to try and post at least 3 to 4 times a week. So, for the 3 people who used to read this blog on the regular, hang on tight – I am back!
Yesterday someone stopped me and I thought they were going toa sk me for directions. Instead, they asked me if I had heard about God in the female form in the bible. What a letdown.