Saturday, June 20, 2009

My Documentary

So last weekend my friends Kristin and Stacy were in town from Washington, DC and Connecticut respectively. I went to Middle School and High School with these cats, so it is always a good time when all of us get the chance to (drunkenly) reunite.

I met them on the corner of my block where we all jumped in a cab and headed down to Caliente Cab in the West Village. I was oddly hungover and was seriously not feeling like going down there, but I wanted to see Kristin and Stacy, so I pulled myself together and went.

We arrived around 1, and it was bizarre that there were not more people at the restaurant. Maybe because it was overcast and threatening to rain (as it has been in NYC for the past 3 weeks. What is sunlight again??). Well, we sat down and we order a margarita which I am definitely having a hard time getting down. All of a sudden a woman walks up to us and says that she will buy us a round of drinks and a meal if we agree to be filmed. I informed her that I had not done one of those movies in years, and my body was not in the same shape as it once was, but I was willing to give it a go again. She let me know it wasn't that kind of movie, which was disappointing, but I went with it anyway. Apparently, they were filming a documentary for CNN that was talking about businesses that were thriving and expanding even in this recession.

The next thing we know there is a camera crew set up next to our table and we are being filmed drinking, eating this randomly delicious meal they brought out for us, and having a gay old time. Now I know what Whitney Port and Lauren Conrad feel like on a daily basis. Speaking of, why is there not a gay guy on The City of The Hills? C'mon MTV, I thought you were progressive. And how do two girls, both supposedly working in the fashion industry, not have any queens working with them? Oh yea, because it is totally scripted.

Anyway, I loved being filmed and I could totally see myself being on a reality show. So, if anyone is interested in filming my hot mess of a life, please let me know. And watch CNN in September for when I make me 12 second documentary debut. Do it.

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