Friday, June 26, 2009

Grey Dog

So, I have discovered the cutest little coffee shop/restaurant near my office! It is called The Grey Dog (website here), and it is fabulous for many reasons.
First of all, the restaurant itself is a little piece of sunshine. When I step inside it just makes me happy. I am not sure if it is the colorful decor, the fun artwork, the giant chalkboard (yes, I love chalk boards - get over it), or the friendly staff, but it makes my normally mundane work days a little bit better.

If any of you are familiar with Athens, Georgia (where the glorious University of Georgia is), you will really love The Grey Dog. It is so hippy chic and laid back it makes you feel like you are in Athens, kicking back, without a care in the world.

Also, I am not sure how or why this is, but everyone that works there is gorgeous. You know I am shallow and do not enjoy looking at ugly people, so while my hungover ass is craving a bacon, egg and cheese croissant, it is much nicer to be served by a gorgeous staff than some ugly fat person, right? I think so.

Also, we went in for my friend Angie's birthday (click here), and of course I announced that it was her birthday, and that we wanted free stuff. And guess what?! They gave us free banana bread and Angie got a glass of wine. Sure it was 9:30 am, but whatever. Ang drank it anyway. Aw, my friend the Wino. Loves it.

And FYI - I am not getting paid to write this about Grey Dog, but I am most definitely going to send them my blog link, and if I happen to get free breakfast out of it, so be it (shameless plug, ). You know I will do pretty much anything for free food (well, free vodka, but food works too).
Anyway, check out The Grey Dog if you live in NYC, or are visiting. It is glorious.

1 comment:

  1. first off- so glad you are posting regularly again! the world needs more craiggers. second, i'm jealous of your nyc stories. that's all. the end.
