Have you noticed that? As your coworker is pulling a bag of chips out of the vending machine, she says "Umm, wow. My lunch was so small, I just umm, needed a snack to go with it". Or, "I haven't eaten all day. I am so hungry. I normally wouldn't eat this crap". Yea right fat ass. You are at that vending machine 3 times a day. I've seen your keyboard - Orange from the cheetos coloration that your fingers have sustained after years of vending machine abuse.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Vending Machine Atrocities
Have you noticed that? As your coworker is pulling a bag of chips out of the vending machine, she says "Umm, wow. My lunch was so small, I just umm, needed a snack to go with it". Or, "I haven't eaten all day. I am so hungry. I normally wouldn't eat this crap". Yea right fat ass. You are at that vending machine 3 times a day. I've seen your keyboard - Orange from the cheetos coloration that your fingers have sustained after years of vending machine abuse.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Atrocious Male Behavior
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009
Single in the City ...
Thursday, August 20, 2009
If She Can Make It, So Can I ...
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
I Hate What Facebook Has Become
What happened to the good old days when Facebook was used to stalk people, look at pictures of drunk friends and be an overall time suck?
And don't even get me started on friends that are engaged! It's bad enough that I have to hear about your child, but the minutia of comments and posts leading up to your big day make me want to vomit. It's awful enough that I cannot legally marry in most states, but I really don't need 5 status updates a day about how you and your fiancé are picking bridesmaids fabric, tasting wedding cakes and planning your honeymoon. Trust me, I don't care, and I am tempted to delete you. Speaking of, who are you anyway, and why are we even friends? Didn't we have 9th grade biology together? You probably called me a homo behind my back and now only like me because I got cute.
And what is with all of the quizzes that people take? Now, I understand that quizzes can be extremely fun, but does that mean that you have to share your results with everyone you know on Facebook? I really don't care that "Bridges of Madison County" is the movie that most resembles your life according to some asinine quiz that some loser made up. Seriously, take the quiz, view the results, but do not publish to my wall.
And finally, I do not want to be invited to your group where you hand out pieces of flare or ask me to join your Facebook farming community. Please stop sending me these requests. Like I said, I barely know you anyway, so what makes you think I would want to send you a piece of flare? My goodness!
Now, with all of that being said, I still use Facebook like Amy Winehouse still uses crack - it's a total crutch that I cannot get through my day without. And part of me would totally delete my account if it wasn't for the fact that Facebook is one of the quickest and easiest mediums to get you to read my blog. Face it, isn't that how you read this post today?
Anyway, for all of our sakes, please continue to just post pics of you half-naked or drunk, because really, that is all most of us want to see.
Monday, August 3, 2009
And I Keep Getting More Famous
I wrote an article on QueerSighted the other day about the comeback of our diva Whitney Houston. Several people commented on the article - most of whom I assume I know - but there was one comment that was a little bizarre. It read:
"Who is this guy "gay blogger" Craig who thinks he's gonna be the new me? At least he lives in NY and can only blog about like 5 celebrities, and the cast of Gossip Girl...how far can that really take you? Good luck bb."
The name of the poster who commented was "Perez". Clearly Perez Hilton. I mean, none of my friends would ever pretend to be Perez Hilton to make it look like my article was being read by actual people! So, I thought this was funny and moved on. I then checked out this blog and read the following comment on the previous story about living in a doorman building:
"Awe bb, cute how you think you're a celebrity now, that a tiny website has picked up a few blogs. While you may be a little funny, you're gonna have to find more interesting things to write about other than yourself if you want any real attention. Get some real dirt! Pay off some bitches on the sets or something. I guess you just remind me of someone very close to me ;) best of luck."
The name of the poster who commented on this post was "Mario L". I thought this was odd because it was pretty similar to the comment on QueerSighted. So, I clicked on Mario L's name to see if this person had an e-mail address. When I clicked on Mario L it brought me to PerezHilton.com. That made it even more awkward. I mentioned this to my editor at QueerSighted and it turns out Perez Hilton's real name is Mario Lavandeira. Coincidence? I think not.
The obvious conclusion is that Perez Hilton is obviously reading my blog and is threatened by me. I clearly have a much cuter face, a better personality and am much more hilarious. The only thing holding me back is that I do not know many celebrities (erm, no celebrities?). I say bring it on Perez. When my little blog takes over the world, I will look back and thank you, Perez, for being a pioneer for gay male bloggers everywhere. Let the competition begin!
Monday, July 27, 2009
Doorman Buildings
The doorman is a staple in many New York City buildings, and it is a nice way to feel safe and secure while living in this big city. However, there are a couple of awkward things about having a doorman. Let me elaborate.
Do you remember when you were in High School and you were trying to make out with that special girl or guy in your life? And you had to try and sneak them into the basement without your parents seeing? Or you were so drunk and you didn't want your parents too see you drunk? Yea, imagine that your parents were ALWAYS sitting at the only door into your house. Yea, that is what it is like to have a doorman. Imagine coming home with a random ugly boy, or coming home blackout wasted alone (not sure which is worse). That sucks in general, but think about this, your doorman always sees and remembers this. It is like having your parents sitting at your door! Their judgmental eyes watching you and thinking "wow, that kid is a hot mess".
So yea, it is really awkward having a doorman. While it does make you feel superior to other people in NYC, it kind of makes you feel worse about your choice in men and the amount of vodka you like to drink. Think twice before getting an apartment with a doorman. Especially if you don't want people to know you are a drunk or a whore.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
In Animal News ...
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Fame Has Found Me ... Again
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
The Gayest Movie Ever Told ... Maybe
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Fame is a Bitch ...
How epic is that? I used to think that only my closest friends were reading my little website, however, it appears that people I don't know are reading it and hating on it. You know you are starting to get famous when people start writing hateful things on your website. Now I know how Lohan feels. And you know when you can empathize with Lohan, you are doing something right ... or erm, wrong? Either way, the person who anonymously wrote the comment is either:
1. Star Jones
2. One of Star Jones' minions
3. Someone ugly that is in a relationship. They were all pleased that they were in a relationship and then realized, "yikes, ugly people can be dating too??".
That being said, keep the comments coming kids. The price of fame is a life of hateful, jealous comments. But I am willing to bear that cross ... I am willing.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
How Am I Not Famous Yet?
But richer and more acclaimed
Worshipped and celebrated
Pampered and loved
To see those who've laughed
Feeling ashamed
A glorious, frantic
Adoring response"
That is pretty much how I feel. Now, you may be wondering why I have the photo above coinciding with that quote. Well, I have to look up to these four people in some way. They have all managed to become famous for one reason or another. An amazing feat if I may say so myself. Also, they have all written books, which is something that I am clearly worthy of. My life has had some crazy moments, and living in NYC, I am adding to them daily. So, what, exactly are these people famous for?
**Don't forget to vote in the poll in the top right corner**
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
The King of Noogies
**Another article on crazy Bill. What a creeper. Loves it!** Thanks Mojo!
No Sex in the City ...
Friday, June 26, 2009
Grey Dog
Also, we went in for my friend Angie's birthday (click here), and of course I announced that it was her birthday, and that we wanted free stuff. And guess what?! They gave us free banana bread and Angie got a glass of wine. Sure it was 9:30 am, but whatever. Ang drank it anyway. Aw, my friend the Wino. Loves it.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
The Crack Head is Back!!!
"She gave you good love. she saved all her love for you. she was the greatest love of all. she danced with you. she was so emotional. she ran to you. she was your miracle. her love was your love. she was fine. she believed in you. she learned from the very best. she tried it on her own. she exhaled. she had noting. she's every woman and she will always love you."
I am sorry, but that is just brilliant!! And yes, this is an extremely gay cliche, but I cannot wait for this album to come out. Whitney is honestly the best singer in the world, even through her muddled, crack voice; I know she is going to tear it up.
I remember one time when I was 6 years old, we took a family trip all the way up the east coast to Canada. We drove our Ford Aerostar minivan up the coast (what were my parents thinking? 4 kids in a car for that long??), and I remember that I listened to Whitney's Greatest Love of All TAPE the whole way. And my parents did not "find out" that I was gay until I was 22. Riiiight.
Anyway, is anyone else as excited as I am about this album? And does it make me ridiculous that I signed up for the e-mail list that will e-mail me as soon as the first single is available? I know the answers to these questions are yes, but let me state in advance that I am already on the Whitney Houston new album band wagon. And even if it does tank, it will be fun to see that hot mess act a fool trying to promote the album.
Good luck Baby Girl!
Boys of Summer ... And every other Season ...
Saturday, June 20, 2009
My Documentary
I met them on the corner of my block where we all jumped in a cab and headed down to Caliente Cab in the West Village. I was oddly hungover and was seriously not feeling like going down there, but I wanted to see Kristin and Stacy, so I pulled myself together and went.
We arrived around 1, and it was bizarre that there were not more people at the restaurant. Maybe because it was overcast and threatening to rain (as it has been in NYC for the past 3 weeks. What is sunlight again??). Well, we sat down and we order a margarita which I am definitely having a hard time getting down. All of a sudden a woman walks up to us and says that she will buy us a round of drinks and a meal if we agree to be filmed. I informed her that I had not done one of those movies in years, and my body was not in the same shape as it once was, but I was willing to give it a go again. She let me know it wasn't that kind of movie, which was disappointing, but I went with it anyway. Apparently, they were filming a documentary for CNN that was talking about businesses that were thriving and expanding even in this recession.
The next thing we know there is a camera crew set up next to our table and we are being filmed drinking, eating this randomly delicious meal they brought out for us, and having a gay old time. Now I know what Whitney Port and Lauren Conrad feel like on a daily basis. Speaking of, why is there not a gay guy on The City of The Hills? C'mon MTV, I thought you were progressive. And how do two girls, both supposedly working in the fashion industry, not have any queens working with them? Oh yea, because it is totally scripted.
Anyway, I loved being filmed and I could totally see myself being on a reality show. So, if anyone is interested in filming my hot mess of a life, please let me know. And watch CNN in September for when I make me 12 second documentary debut. Do it.
Friday, June 19, 2009
The Feud is Picked Up By Major Website ...
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Star Jones is Obsessed With Me
I find Star on Twitter (twitter.com/starjonesesq), and she is TOTALLY writing about me. She is calling me out and saying that I never ever interacted with her at Cirque. I am like, excuse me, I have 20 clients that can attest to the fact that we spoke right after she came out of the line with a pork tenderloin sandwich.
Maybe she is mad because she had worse seats than me, but I must've plucked a nerve with Star. Man, I wish she was still on the View so she could go off on me on the air. I thought I had no life, but apparently Star Jones just sits around and surfs the internet to see if she is still relevant. This is totally epic. Maybe Star Jones and I will get into a feud after all. It is SO on!
Some of her "tweets" about me:
I get this "blog entry" from some guy who happened to be at Cirque du Soleil last night when I was there and he does this blog about me.
FOR real I didn't see him, talk to him, notice him or interact w/ him at all...but he told ALL his friends about our "encounter." TACKY!
Is your life that darn empty that you need to make up an encounter with me at the damn circus. Lord have mercy. LOL
sorry, had to get that off my chest. i'm sitting here just as normal "as a mug"
Star called me TACKY and used my phrase "as a mug". This is so epic. Let the feud begin!
My night with Star Jones ... and Cirque du Soleil
Well, wanting to be the gay Chelsea Handler/Kathy Griffin, I decide that I need to talk to Star. Hello, amazing fodder for my blog in case she does anything ca-razy.
Well, back to my group I go, and we are looking through the complimentary program of all the performers who are in the show. And let me tell you, some of these circus freaks are cute. Especially one named Anthony Gallo who was a juggler. I immediately get excited for the juggling portion of the show. The bell rings and we all rush to find our seats. Turns out, we have the best seats in the house. 4th row, dead center. Oh, and guess who is 3 rows behind me - Star Jones. Can't pony up for the good seats Star? Suddenly I am beginning to feel more important than she is.